JS Compliance, LLC presents:
NH3 Training Center of Texas
Offering Introductory and Advanced Training Courses for the Ammonia Refrigeration Industry to meet regulatory compliance guidelines.
Courses are developed in accordance with:
EPA 40 CFR Part 68 Risk Management Plan, 29 CFR OSHA 1910.119 Process Safety Management, EPA and OSHA General Duty Clause, IIAR Ammonia Refrigeration Management Guidance and State Regulations.
NH3 Training Center of Texas, LLC was founded to close the gap for the need of training in State and Federal Regulations as they pertain to the Ammonia Refrigeration Industry.
To schedule a tt at your facility or other location
Email: Jet@NH3trainingcenter.com
Call: 936-230-4392
We provide LIVE On-line Interactive training with a qualified Trainer using Microsoft Teams. We understand that having access to PSM/RMP training is vital to our industry and that it is not always feasable to travel. That is why NH3 Training Center offers a full suite of LIVE On-line trainings webinars.
These online trainings provide classroom participation and interaction, peer to peer discussion, LIVE Q&A, homework, final exams through online support system, and training certification.
The preferred method of training is Live On-Site Hands-On-Demonstration training. This training will yield the most productive training materials with the ability to utilize a Live Ammonia Refrigeration System where applicable.
In-Person Workshops can be held at local area Training Venues, Plant Site Locations, Corporate Offices, or the
NH3 Training Center of Texas, LLC.
Depending on the workshop, JSC will obtain the use of a Live Ammonia Refrigeration System. Other training programs will be classroom and include a Mock Audits, PHA'S, SOP Development, & Management of Changes.
NH3 Training Center of Texas Qualified Trainers
Courses are presented by experienced PSM Professionals and Refrigeration Operators. They are designed to provide further and on-going training in the implementation of Federal and State requirements as it pertains to the use of Anhydrous Ammonia in the Industrial Refrigeration Industry.
Discover the
NH3 Training Center of Texas, LLC's
Course Offerings
On-Site Training
On-Line Training
Introductory & Advance Training Courses for the Ammonia Refrigeration Industry to meet regulatory compliance guidelines.
Phone: (936) 230-4392
Email: Jet@NH3TrainingCenter.com
Located in Montgomery, Texas
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